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Patrice Kerbrat

After studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique in Paris, Patrice Kerbrat became a member of the Comédie-Française.
As a prolific director, he is also known for his productions that give pride of place to contemporary authors and premieres, including plays by Tenessee Williams (A Cat on a Hot Tin Roof), Harold Pinter (The Collection and The Lover), Bernard-Marie Koltès (The Night Just Before the Forests), Beckett (Waiting for Godot), Yasmina Reza (The Passage of Winter, Art, Life x3, Converesations After a Burial), Florian Zeller (The Truth).
He is the director of four plays by Andrew Payne: Then What, Squash, The meeting and Nice Frock. He also directed Don't Go There for
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